Tulum World Environment Film Festival
In four acts, this short experimental film interweaves the soundscapes from the rainforest in Guyana with those of everyday city life. By playfully juxtaposing sounds and images from human and non-human worlds, it asks the viewer to actively listen and reflect on how sound influences our perception of place and nature.
Artist’s Statement
The false dichotomy of man vs. nature that becomes more absurd everyday. Traveling into jungles is exhausting: the bugs, the heat, hiking at all hours of the day and night, and upset bowels. And yet, living in a city is exhausting, too. The vigilance required to bicycle safely, the constant pull of screens, and, the noise. I wanted to see what happens when you rearrange the soundtracks of these worlds. Did we unconsciously recreate techno-analogs of the natural world? Perhaps the variations are more subtle that we thought.